About Me

- m a i i i
- ★maii the name ★5teen her age ★capricorn ★single ★sm sayy hasan ★wat can i say? im just different (: ★i'm not a perfect girl ★my hair doesn't owesh stay in place & i spill things a lot ★i'm pretty clumsy & sumtymes i have broken heart ★i like being unperfect ★i am who i am (: ★love me or hate me,i still gonna shine MWAHH
text! 24 hrs talk xD
Saturday, November 29, 2008
Ai Mei lyrics!! im trying to remember xD
Posted by maixxheartbeat m a i i i at 4:54 AM 0 comments
Friday, November 28, 2008
Thursday, November 27, 2008
this is what sii V rply to me
Posted by maixxheartbeat m a i i i at 6:20 PM 0 comments
birthday greetings~

Posted by maixxheartbeat m a i i i at 6:10 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Posted by maixxheartbeat m a i i i at 9:10 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Posted by maixxheartbeat m a i i i at 11:28 PM 0 comments
i guess my cats gve me a lot of presents,,tq xD

this the video~ sorry na smpat rakam tym aku bersih kn sal my adik btah ngambil hp hahah
Posted by maixxheartbeat m a i i i at 10:41 PM 0 comments
Posted by maixxheartbeat m a i i i at 12:19 AM 0 comments
Monday, November 24, 2008
ohh yeah~!
Posted by maixxheartbeat m a i i i at 4:00 AM 0 comments
jeng jeng jeng
ok here's the story~ dtg td pgi msuk clas 4b huhuh mish it! den i walk daaa~ hahah i saw the board which is written like diz
3)Nurul Izzah
you are bla bla bla~~~" hahah na ku ingaat yg pnting ikut "SPELL IT RIGHT(SIR)" which is on 26th November~ so wish us luck~ xD pastu faz dtg waa kmi ne ckp sal result,,then kta faz rh ku top 3..x ku kta awuu kau top 3 x ktanya eh kau wa mai top 3..huuhh? then i bangang kjap hahah! bida tuu den drg xplen laa sal msa tuu eco lum g cmpur kann yataa~ den ya gto yg IM NO.3 hahah how happy?? i triak2 waa hahah n jumping2! hahah well~ i tagih from mama nee haha
then talk talk n talk~ then go to hell~ opss! i mean hall~ heheh for the naik class haahh den kna sabut nma which fom n who's the tcr~ heheh n our tcr is tcr ZAINON heheh well is very100 kind~ heheh then break n talk talk n talk~ hahah
Posted by maixxheartbeat m a i i i at 3:22 AM 0 comments
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Saturday, November 22, 2008
rifah TAGGED!

2. Don't change your clothes, don't fix your hair... just take a picture.
3. Post that picture with NO editing.
4. Post these instruction with your picture.
5. Tag 5 people to do this.
I tag:
Posted by maixxheartbeat m a i i i at 4:36 AM 0 comments
Friday, November 21, 2008
Posted by maixxheartbeat m a i i i at 10:25 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
memang letih~
Posted by maixxheartbeat m a i i i at 5:29 AM 0 comments
Monday, November 17, 2008
seksa ku!

HAPPY 1ST MONTHSARY~ always together n ever ever~
*mun kawin hntar2 jmputan uhh,jn lupakan aku* hahahah xp
ohh yeaa~ rifah,sorry ku curi dri blog mu hahaha bisai wa gmbr tuu nadaa mataa xpxp
Posted by maixxheartbeat m a i i i at 3:56 AM 0 comments
Sunday, November 16, 2008
damam ku~
hey2 todaaay~~ hmm~~ wat can i tell uhh~~ td ku bgn aheeer~~dh tuu ku n9~~ x aku cek blog~~ ada sii biaah~~ ya sediiih~~ so ku msg ya laa~~ x kmi c8 pat cbox uhh~~ cian yaa~~ sbar biah uhh~~ tp bek jua ada azah laa bge ya kta2 smangat~~ eseehh~~ aku na pndai waa mbge~~ azah tuu besa laa~~ urg bpngalaman bcintaa kaaaaan~~ aku ne apa juaa~~ hahah na pndaaai xpxp..x ku n9 msn~~ ada ku liat czn ku yg dri UK tuu n9~~ ehh~~ aher dh dsnaa lumg ya tduii~~ hahah~~ ya gto aku~~ ktanyaa,"aher dh waa lum g ku tdurr~" ku rply," aku bru bgn hahah" bnar jua tuu kaan~~ hahah~~ x dh tuu ku pnggil mama,,"ma..ada ka alus n9 tuuu" nya mama,"bh jap" xnya~~ mama msuk blik kuu~~ yataa drg webcaam~~ hahah sakainyaa waa hahah xpxp x dh tuu mama msaak~~ dh mama msak tuu kaan~~ ya kta,"ka..antar ne pat pa majin,ka bibi sama rh amit" aku damaam waa~~ kn pnas tuu dluaar~~ atuu yaa~~ tp mun udh sruhan mama tuu cna jua kn mnolak~~ na jaa?~~ heheh~~ dh tuu ku smpai pat umah ka bibi~~ aku dnyanya oleh ka dyg n ka bibi~~ sehingga ku terduduk dlantai dapur~~ hahah brabes jua dh tuu~~ ehhh bnaaar~~ xpxp
dh ku msuk blog nee~~ ada kjadian yg kureeeng mengenakkan~~ hahah~~ tuu sii faz uhh~~ duluu maki2 nya sii mike kuh uhh dh anee tpikat tiaa~~ sasak ku ehh~~ fazz~~ skali bida kau kta tuu~~ttap th bida bge dirimu tuu~~ nyahaha!! he is mine!! xD xD
Posted by maixxheartbeat m a i i i at 3:42 AM 0 comments
Saturday, November 15, 2008
new song
Eh, eh…
Eh, eh…
Ada satu hal yang tidak ku sukai
Dari kamu dan paling sering kau ulangi
Kadang-kadang bikin ku ill feel
Kadang-kadang bikin ku ill feel
Tiap hari aku, tiap hari terus
Hanya mendengar kau mengeluh dan mengeluh
Kadang-kadang bikin ku ill feel
Kadang-kadang bikin ku ill feel
Ku hanya beritahu
Tapi terjadi lagi
Eh, eh, kok gitu sih
Lhoh kok marah
Jangan gitu sayang, jangan gitu sayang
Eh, eh, kok gitu sih
Loh kok marah
Jangan gitu sayang, jangan gitu sayang
Apa kamu bisa ? lebih rilex saja
daripada kamu mengeluh dan mengeluh
Tenang, saja, tenaaang…
Aku masih dengan kamu
Tiap hari aku, tiap hari terus
Hanya mendengar kau mengeluh dan mengeluh
Kadang-kadang bikin ku ill feel
Kadang-kadang bikin ku ill feel
Ku hanya beritahu
tapi terjadi lagi
Back to Reff:
Jangan.. jangan.. jangan.. janganlah…
Jangan.. jangan.. jangan.. janganlah…
Huu.. huu… huu…
Back to Reff:
Eh, eh, kok gitu sih
Lhoh kok marah
Jangan gitu sayang, jangan gitu sayang
Jangan gitu sayang, jangan gitu sayang
Jangan gitu sayang, jangan gitu sayang
Posted by maixxheartbeat m a i i i at 5:34 AM 0 comments
Friday, November 14, 2008
better~ xD

Posted by maixxheartbeat m a i i i at 3:57 AM 0 comments
Thursday, November 13, 2008
den kna katuk dh pntu~ kna swuh mndi sal kn jln k umah czn..my aunty n uncle kn naik hj~ so have to itot laa~ n den k sungai akar pat umah sii biah hahah nda deh my dad ambil darah uhh~ pastuu kresto~ na ku tau apa namanyaa~ den blek jap sal kn tunggu kul 11 kn ambil mama from her college~ dh tuu ku ikuut juaa~ sal kta babah kn kmall! den way happened? na jdi waaa!!!! sasak ku sasak!! eshh!! wat a moody dayyy!!!!! den blek umah ku msuk blik twus n buka lappy n watevaa~ i delete all msg from sii MAWI!

Posted by maixxheartbeat m a i i i at 4:13 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
many thingss
I continued wit my rubiks hahah..my adik so sasak! hahah bcoa 4 her im pro!! hahahah toenkkk!! thanx 2 azaaah,rifah n zeraaah~ yg ajar aku..den aku buat kn kraja mama smpaai kul 3 x dh tuu..aku ttdur smpai 3.30 uhh hahah..den,doing nothing smpaaaai mlaaam~yeaaah im holiday for 4 daysssss xDxDxD jgn jeleeesh~ hahahah xpxpxp urg2 nya ja dpt tuu xpxpxp
ohh yaaa~ mcm byk activity ku tym dskulah pada dumah ehh hmmm~
Posted by maixxheartbeat m a i i i at 4:36 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
dinner xD
this is our favourite place xD n i love it!! xD nyum2
all the galss ate rice wit omelette,tom yam and fried prawn,whereas the guys ate noodles xD
the 'suasana' was great! hahahah xD

Posted by maixxheartbeat m a i i i at 6:28 AM 0 comments
Monday, November 10, 2008
exam is over!!!
suk th ku stat beceta uhh
mlash ku mlm nee hahahh
Posted by maixxheartbeat m a i i i at 6:39 AM 0 comments
fuh !!!!
i will change everything tonite
so,, watch out blog !!!
Posted by maixxheartbeat m a i i i at 1:22 AM 0 comments
Sunday, November 9, 2008
Posted by maixxheartbeat m a i i i at 9:07 AM 0 comments
survey xD
1 - When was the last time you cried? | ermm..waktu ku perang dgn peruuut slama 5 hari !! |
2 - Have you ever faked sick? | awuu lerr namanya manusia ehh.. |
3 - What was the last lie you said? | ermm rh adiku wktu rifah bge mailbox uhh yg hntuu~ |
4 - Have you ever cried during a movie? | slaluuu~ munnya sadiiih~ eshh susaah urg sinitip neh |
5 - Who was the last person you couldn't take your eyes off of? | sii azin uhh pat gmbrnyaa cute!! hahah |
6 - Have you ever danced in the rain? | nadaa uhh nanti th ma rifah,biah,faz,qel hahahah gud idea?? xp |
7 - Have you ever been drunk? | buat2 xD xD |
8 - Have you ever tried tried drugs? | nada nadaa~ |
9 - Do you smoke? | aluuuum~~ na jua nyaman ehh~ |
10 - What's the farthest you've ever gone on a dare? | tuuu ma rifah uhhh..tp aku yg knaa~ na paa exaam ngambil berkat hahahh |
11 - What is your full name? | maisyarah binti haji ....... xD xD |
12 - What is your blood-type? | nada ku tau uhh sal ku na pnah kna ambil darah uhh..tp injik tuu pnah eeh |
13 - Have you ever been in a car accident? | nope nope x) hopefully nda laa krg na tia ku mau driving |
14 - How old were you when you recieved your first kiss? | ahh hahahah..bila tu uhh fom 3 x..ermm 14 years old x hahahmuda ehhh~ |
15 - Who was your first kiss? | ahh azinuddin hahah |
16 - Have you ever had an online relationship? | awuu bykkk~~ |
17 - Have you ever had phone-sex? | hahahahahahahahah !!!! paluii |
18 - Have you ever been rejected by a crush? | nada ku pnah poposed laki2 ehh bri hawar hahah |
19 - What is your favourite sport to play? | spot kh? ermm basketball.netball n yg ball ball lh |
20 - Have you ever made a prank phone call? | ermmm |
21 - Have you ever said | said apa ehh? haha na jua ku pham tuu |
22 - What's your favourite childhood memory? | ahhhh ku kissing ma czn hahahah,,nda deh ermm ntah uhh lupa ee |
23 - Is there anything that you have done that you regret? | awuuuu~ bykkk~ |
24 - What do you want to be when you grow up? | When I grow up I wanna be famous, I wanna be a star, I wanna be in movies When I grow up I wanna see the world, drive nice cars, I wanna have groupies When I grow up, Be on TV , people know me, be on magazines When I grow up, fresh and clean, number one chick, when I step out on the seen .. hahaha bak kta th pussycat doll mun aku lum pasti xD |
25 - What is your political persuassion? | ntah uhhh |
26 - Have you ever had cybersex? | hahaha kcyber g na pnaah~ |
27 - Do you believe in g-d? | YES! |
28 - Do you believe in love at first sight? | i dunno~ na pnahwa |
29 - Do you believe in karma? | karma? no ideaa~ |
30 - Who was your first crush? | khaliq xD |
31 - Who do yo uhave a crush on? | msane kh?? pat sii shahasymawi xD |
32 - How would you describe yourself? | mun mau tau bca pat side bar ahhh |
33 - What are you afraid of? | hantu dtg mngajut hahahah adakh hantu dtg mbge tau?? |
34 - Are you religious? | ahhhh~ mseh plng mengikuti xD xD |
35 - What does your screen name mean? | liat laa aporaa~ xp |
36 - What person do you trust the most? | my bestfriends xD xD |
37 - Who was your first boyfriend/girlfriend? | nadaa bh ee mjaal tuu |
38 - What is the best compliment you have ever recieved? | ermm lum lg ada the best la xD |
39 - What is the meanest thing anyone has said about you? | ntah uhh its up to them xD |
40 - What is the longest crush/relationship you have had? | what? err relationship uhh |
41 - What is your greatest strength? | apa uhh nada ku tau jua uhh |
42 - What is your greatest weakness? | atuuu mun ku sajuuuk~ sajuuk hntap waa hahah |
43 - What is your perfect pizza? | honey garlic pizza nyum2 xD |
44 - What is your first thought when waking up in the morning? | my hp lerr xD |
45 - What is your first thought before you go to bed? | mc urg hahah |
46 - What college do you want to go to? | insya Allah mun rezeki rh Uk mun nda d bunai ja xD MD th dulu tuu |
47 - Do you get along with your family? | owessssshhh homesick x uhh hahah |
48 - Do you play any instruments? | na pndaaai~ |
49 - What kind of music do you like? | well yg nyaman ddgr~ xD |
50 - Do you think you're attractive? | hahaha no laa mun awuu pemesh tuu |
51 - Would you ever get a tattoo? | awuu yg mainan uhh hahahah |
52 - How many piercings do you have? | piercing?? |
53 - Who makes you laugh? | my 4B hahahah |
54 - Who would you want to be tied to for 24hours? | my crush xD |
55 - Have you ever seen a dead body? | ndaa uhhh aku mau tp na kna swuh huhuhuh |
56 - Do you have a celebrity crush? | adaa!!! MIKE HE JUN XIANG!! xD |
57 - What is one thing scientists should invent? | |
58 - Have you ever broken a bone? | nope xD |
59 - What happens after you die? | ahh mna ku tauu hahaha |
60 - Do you watch or read the news? | awuu kdg2 xD |
61 - What stereotype would you label yourself as being? | gilerr hahah |
62 - Would your friends agree with that stereotypic label? | maybe~ |
63 - If yo ucould change your name, what would you change it to? | nada ku mau nukar2 |
64 - If you could go back in time to one point in your life, where would you go | waktu nada adi2ku xD |
65 - If you could change anything about yourself, what would you change? | nothing i love mylife |
66 - Have you ever gone skinny dipping? | |
67 - Have you ever played strip poker? | |
68 - Would you ever lie to someone to make them feel good about themselves? | idunno!~ |
69 - What do you want your friends to think about you? | simple laa |
70 - Whats the biggest argument you've ever gotten into? | aahhh karaoke n i got 1st place xD |
71 - HAve you ever bitten someone? | awuu adiku~ |
72 - When's your birthday? | 13th January xD hadiaaaah!!! |
73 - Have you ever stolen anything? | awuuu pencil adiku hahaha |
74 - Do you make wishes on shooting stars? | msalahnya ada shooting star tuu d bunai?? |
75 - Whats the most you've ever eaten in one sitting? | apa uhhh? andang mkan rh 1 krusi jua hahahha na phaam~ xp |
76 - If you could go back and change one day, what would it be? | |
77 - Do you remember your dreams? | awuuuuu~~~ sma cgu hamzah hahahahah |
78 - Have you ever been in love? | yes!! rg cgu pun pnah hahaha |
79 - Are you a morning person or a night person? | dua2 x nakan ku jd hntu |
80 - Do you have any phobias? | yess androphobia xD |
81 - What's the meanest thing you've ever done to someone? | 4 me,,i gave special present to rifah n biah sal drg sweet 16 xD |
82 - Have you ever been to the hospital (other then birth? | yessss! |
83 - How many screen names do you have? | jntah byk2 |
84 - Do any medical problems run in your family? | nadaa kmi sehat2 jerr xD |
85 - Have anyone ever been disowned from your family? | |
86 - Have you ever had a nightmare? | bykk~~~ hahahahh |
87 - Do you say meaner things to your friends or your enemies? | |
88 - Would you ever participate in a threesome? | |
89 - Would you ever pay for a prostititue? | boohh ku bni2 ehh hahahahh |
90 - Have you ever mooned or flashed someone? | |
91 - Have you ever cheated on your bf/gf? | pnaaah~ hahahh |
92 - Have you ever laughed so hard you peed in your pants? | |
93 - Have you ever written a love letter? | awuuu! hahhaha mun dlu tuu nada hp |
94 - Have you ever attempted suicide? | |
95 - Do you prefer boxers or briefs? | |
96 - Have you ever been in a fistfight? | |
97 - Do you have any hidden talents? | tak tauuuu~ |
98 - What is one thing you want me to know about you? | |
99 - What is one question you wouldn't want me to ask? | |
100 - Do you usually prefer books or movies? | moviesss~ |
101 - Who is your favourite person to talk to? | rifah,faz,biah n qel! hahah |
102 - Who is always able to cheer you up when you're sad? | rifah xD |
103 - Would you ever have sex before marriage? | |
104 - Who do you talk to most on the phone? | rifah n mawi hahah |
105 - Do you have a secret that yo'ure ashamed of? | bykk~ hahah |
106 - Do you prefer british or american spelling of words? | |
107 - Have you ever gotten detention? | |
108 - How do you vent your anger? | |
109 - Have you ever been on a diet? | awuuu uhhhh |
110 - Would you ever date someone younger than you? Older than you? | older than me! |
111 - Is your best friend a virgin? | rifah?? awuu laaaa hahah nada ya brani tuu hahah xp |
112 - What's a rumor someone has spread about you? | |
113 - What's the kinkiest thing you could ever actually see yourself as doing? | |
114 - What's the meanest thing anyone has ever done to you? | |
115 - What's the nicest thing anyone has ever done for you? | |
116 - Have you ever been diagnosed with a mental illness? | |
117 - Have you ever cut yourself on purpose? | |
118 - Have you ever wanted to murder someone? | |
119 - Have you ever hated someone? | awuuu~ |
120 - Do you prefer talking on the phone or online? | online mun dgn urg tpun dgn yg ku mau laa hahah |
121 - Do you consider yourself popular? | |
122 - Would you ever tell the person you have a crush on that you like them? | |
123 - Have you ever had a crush on an enemy? | |
124 - Have you ever had a crush on a best friend? | no waaaaay! hahahahah |
125 - What is your favourite book? | romeo n juliet & adam dan hawa |
126 - Do you have a collection of anything? | green thingsss |
127 - Are you happy with the person you are becoming? | |
128 - Are you a different person now then you were 5 years ago? | my weight 65 kg hahahah n now 54 kg hahah |
129 - What do you see yourself as being in 5 years from now? | success student xD |
130 - Are you happy with the life you have? | yess!!! im so happy! |
Posted by maixxheartbeat m a i i i at 12:35 AM 0 comments