About Me

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★maii the name ★5teen her age ★capricorn ★single ★sm sayy hasan ★wat can i say? im just different (: ★i'm not a perfect girl ★my hair doesn't owesh stay in place & i spill things a lot ★i'm pretty clumsy & sumtymes i have broken heart ★i like being unperfect ★i am who i am (: ★love me or hate me,i still gonna shine MWAHH

text! 24 hrs talk xD

Sunday, April 19, 2009

mid year exam..

ohhh its over..huhuhh..i knoe my marks will be worst..honestly,i dun revise enough..but promise to myself better in qualifying exam soon (:

maths 1: hard hard hard,,it is so hard!!! argghh!!!..
bm 1: membuals~~ ohh yeaah! (:
geography 2: quite ok..maybe kurang points..i hope i score this subject (:
english 1: buat sal rantai paling berharga untuk diri nyahaha..mbual lerr yata msanya tu ;p
combine scince 2: ohhh TIDAAAAK!!!!!!!!!!
ugama 1: tekaan ku tepat,,tp natau ckup kh nda my points ato heee (:
eco 1: mostly kuar yg sir pnah swuh kmi buat~
poa 2: hmm poa~ bila jua ya sng kaan?? pyah hantaaap~ mcm na ku tjwap smua ahh~ kira ngantam ja laa :S
eco 2: yeayyy!! im happy tp natau lrus kh nda jwapan tuu,,at least nada qs tinggal mcm dulu ;p
bm 2: errrrr~ not bad,,ada pyah ada sng..
maths 2: hard to da MAX!!!
combine science 1: no comment,,plih2 ja tia jawapannya~ huhuhhu!
english 2: pernah dh buat msa end of year exam last year..tp na jua ingat pffft!
ugama 2: love it! but natau laa my mark nanti huhuh! :S
poa 1: well ermmm..no comment f0 dis..
geography 1: go with the flow (: